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Smith Tudor Walnuts


S. George Washington and Tudor Rd.

Lot Size:228.8 Acres


The property is located North and South of Tudor Rd West of the intersection of Tudor Rd and S. George Washington Blvd.



m/l 228.8 acres



AP# 25-010-061 Sutter County 113.3 acres

AP# 25-010-062 Sutter County 115.5 acres



The orchard is currently planted to Walnuts and Persimmons. There are 115 acres of Chandlers, 90 acres of Howards and approximately 23 acres of Fuyu Persimmons.



Chandlers are 12 years old.

Howards are 15 years old.

Persimmons were planted in 1982 and 1992.



The walnuts are averaging around 4500 #’s per acre. The persimmons are sold on an assumable cash contract. Yield documentation to be provided upon request.



See attached soils report.

Soil Report



The ranch has 1 deep well and has surface water from Sutter Extension and Feather River Water Districts. In addition there is a State Water license that allows water to be lifted out of Gilsizer Slough. The Howards and the Persimmons are irrigated with micro sprinklers. The Chandlers are flood irrigated with main lines and waterman valves.



30’ X 50’ Butler style steel shop.




See Brochure Here  


J Hill Land Company BRE # 01399530

(530) 304-7889 Justin Hill



The information contained in this statement of offering has been obtained from sources that are believed to be reliable, but this information is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. Seller has not otherwise undertaken an investigation, and interested parties agree to investigate, inspect and review the property with respect to applicable zoning, physical conditions and suitability for use.

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2983 Clark Rd, Live Oak CA